Every day thousands of people start a new journey on the internet – a journey to make money online. At the same everyday thousands of people quit their online ventures because they couldn’t make any money online from their businesses.The success rate at internet marketing is barely 5%, which means that about 95 people of the 100 who started an online business fail and quit their businesses.
Why is the failure rate so high?
What is the reason for so many people failing on internet marketing?
What business is the best to make money online?
These are questions that you will have in your mind when you venture out to start an online business. Let’s find answers to these questions.People fail at something because they do not have a fool-proof plan. In fact most people do not even have a plan. They just wake up at the wrong side of the bed one day and decide that they need to do something and set off to do it. Will they succeed? No, they will never.This is precisely the case with internet marketing as well. People consider internet marketing to be a cakewalk and just set out to start an online business without any real plan. The result – failure.95% of the people starting an online business do not really think that they are starting a business. A conventional business requires a lot of investment and a lot of planning. Since a conventional business has an investment in monetary terms attached to it, people tend to consider it serious and give it the attention that is required.But an internet marketing business does not require an investment. There is no monetary risk attached to it and hence planning gets the least importance.In order to be successful in Internet marketing, you need to take it seriously and treat it with the same conviction and honesty that you would have treated a conventional business with.Now you will have realized that irrespective of what kind of business you are getting into on the internet, you will be able to make a lot of money, if you are serious about the business and if you have planned things well.People who have expertise in some field or, the other start online business based on their expertise. For eg: there are lots of people who offers services like web designing, SEO, Social media marketing etc. But for people who do not have a service to offer, there are other things like blogging and affiliate marketing that can help them to make money online.Affiliate marketing is something that is the easiest to start and also helps make a lot of money online. If you can follow instructions and ensure that you do not deviate from it, then affiliate marketing is the way forward.
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